Farewell Teacher Retirement Poems

Teacher retirement poems can be a great way to say thank you and goodbye to a teacher you'll miss!

As described in this farewell poetry page , expressing yourself through poetry will provide a structure that can help guide what you want to say.  The litany below, for example, is very simple, repetitive, and you can easily swap out any of the lines for something more relevant [examples are in these brackets].  If you are reading it aloud, you would get a chorus to say the repeating lines.  Same with the Teacher Cheer, which is also more of a performance with an acrostic poem (where the letters of a name are each used to begin a word) inside it.

There are also poems from a teacher at the bottom of the page.

The following sample retirement verses show you how simple funny or respectful retirement poems can be.  Anybody can write one, even a 5th-grader!

Witty verses

Dear Miss / Mister,

Without you I wouldn’t know,
That ice forms below zero.

You gave us your best years,
We gave you just half an ear.

We wish you all the best,
Thank you for that last pop test.

Rest assured we won’t forget,
Our one plus one: we’re in your debt.

Thank you for all you’ve done,
Now its your turn, to have some fun!

Dear Teacher,

Now retiring, and it’s strange,
We won’t see you every day.

Of yourself, will you miss
Watching youths sprout from kids?

Every year -
Upturned faces:
Blooming crops of rescued graces.

We won’t forget you being there,
Our happy times, we’ve all shared.

Can’t believe you’ll be gone,
So thank you for all you’ve done.

Best of luck - you deserve it:
A long, happy teacher retirement!

Teacher Cheer

Do we love our teacher!

Yes we do!

How many years was it?

[X] great years!

[Call out the teacher's name in alphabet with an acrostic poem]

Three cheers for [Teacher's name]

Hip hip hooray!

Hip hip hooray!

Hip hip hooraaaaaay!


Do we love Ms. Foster!

Yes we do!

How many years was it?

10 great years!









Three cheers for Ms. Foster

Hip hip hooray!

Hip hip hooray!

Hip hip hooraaaaaay!]

Do you have farewell poetry to share?

Litany of apology and love

Teacher we loved to talk in your class

Please Forgive Us 

Teacher some of us sometimes came late

Please Forgive Us 

Teacher sometimes our work was not right

Please Forgive Us 

Teacher we handed our work in late

Please Forgive Us 

Teacher when we were crass or sassy

Please Forgive Us 

Teacher we sometimes tested your boundaries

Please Forgive Us 

Teacher we projected our issues on you

Please Forgive Us 

Teacher who gave us your time and your patience

Bless You And Be At Peace

Teacher who showed us a model of leading

Bless You And Be At Peace

Teacher who responds first with understanding

Bless You And Be At Peace

Teacher who knows no one is perfect

Bless You And Be At Peace

Teacher who grows, builds and refines

Bless You And Be At Peace

Teacher who allows oneself to be self

Bless You And Be At Peace

Teacher who gives space for learning

Bless You And Be At Peace

Teacher who stands in our community

Bless You And Be At Peace

Teacher be proud of all you've achieved

Bless You And Be At Peace

Teacher inspired us with your service

Bless You And Be At Peace

Teacher who stood up for one of us students

Bless You And Be At Peace

Teacher who stood up to many students

Bless You And Be At Peace

Teacher who wanted us all to be safe

Bless You And Be At Peace

The world has been safer with your devotion

Bless You And Be At Peace

Teacher we thank you and wish you well

Bless You And Be At Peace

Teacher we love you and pray you be well

Bless You And Be At Peace


[You can replace lines to be more specific such as:

Miss Forster you are the best at soccer

Thank you for your awesome

Miss Forster buys more cakes at the bake sale

Thank you for your awesome

Miss Forster you had funny handwriting

Thank you for your awesome

etc etc ]

How about general funny retirement verses?

From the teacher

Mark my words

Parting advice to the school
Try to instil some rules,
If the kids are unruly,
You must respond cruelly,
Or they will grow into fools!

Pros and Cons

Listen! Listen to my words

There is value in it - 

I'll try to make it not too long

Only just a minute!

Have you ever heard the tale?

Do you know the story?

A teacher is retiring from

service expository?

The date with which I do escape

this dutiful employ

is too the date that I will miss

the staff, school girls and boys.

But not to be sentimental

I've picked the date with cunning

I just don't want to mark

one more exam! ... I'm running!

Litany of fervent hopes

Students please remember you are responsible for yourselves

It is in your hands now

And you may have to take on responsilibility to fix wrongs

It is in your hands now

Students please respect yourselves in order to respect others

It is in your hands now

Students you are more powerful than you realise

It is in your hands now

Students don't be afraid of your light

It is in your hands now

Students look within and listen to your hearts

It is in your hands now

Students you must learn what is best for you

It is in your hands now

Students remember that what you do and say affects others

It is in your hands now

Students I wish you the best of luck

As our paths now diverge

And I say goodbye

But I leave you best wishes

I wish you good fortune

I wish you much learning

As I have learned from you

And I wish you a bright future

That is in your hands now