Good Bye & Best of Luck to Pak Rudijanto

by (Plaza Medan Fair)

Welcoming Gubsu to PMF

Welcoming Gubsu to PMF

Please keep in touch and thank you for showing us great leadership.

Comments for Good Bye & Best of Luck to Pak Rudijanto

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Jul 27, 2010
Thank you...
by: otto

Dear Pak Rudi,

Buat Dukungan, perhatian dan kerjakerasnya untuk Plaza Medan Fair, terima kasih ya Pak. Kami akan selalu mengingat kenangan yang baik bersama Pak Rudi. Akhirnya, Wish you all The Best ya Pak. Thanks.

Jul 27, 2010
Back to Jakarta traffic jam ??
by: Sumi

Pak Rudi, as we all will miss you, I am sure you will miss Medan when stuck in Jakarta traffic :-)

Many thanks for your guidance and patience towards our team, we learn a lot from you.

All the best for you and family.

Jul 27, 2010
by: Rafika





Jul 27, 2010
Best of Luck
by: Marcomm Dept. Binjai Supermall

Dear P. Rudy,

on behalf of Marcomm team at Binjai Supermall I would like to wish you all the best on whatever future plan you may have.


Jul 27, 2010
by: Juli Tonggo

Kami(terutama saya) pasti akan merasa kehilangan seseorang yang akan selalu memberikan semangat di kala memikirkan target yang bila memakai logika tidak akan bisa tercapai... tetapi apabila saat surut itu tiba kami ( saya ) akan datang dan berbincang sebentar, pasti semangat & ide itu menjelma.... tetapi setelah ini... akan bagaimana kami??? Mohon Doa dari Bapak untuk keberhasilan kami.... dan kami pasti akan tetap merindukan Bapak yang selalu menjadi Bapak,atasan & teman bagi kami.
"Terima kasih yang tak bisa di ucapkan untuk semua bantuan & masukan2 dari Bapak untuk kami ( terutama saya )" semoga ada waktu yang lebih baik lagi untuk bisa bekerja sama kembali... GBU.

Jul 27, 2010
a lot of thanks
by: Peter Limady

Dear: P'Rudi

Terima kasih atas kerja keras dan bimbingan Pak Rudi selama ini, semua itu sangat berharga dan berarti bagi saya.
Semoga sukses ya pak, titip salam juga untuk keluarga Bapak di Jakarta. :)

Peter Limady

Jul 27, 2010
by: Anonymous

Truly, Madly, Deeply, we (leasing dept) would like to thank you for all of the great guidance that you've done in structuring this organization and your effort to make this mall become one stop shopping Mall in Medan and YOU are our superior, our HERO that always make us feel confidence to express, become the green light for us to move ahead, must try and dare to give the best performance in job and many more that far beyond words.

Least but not last, wish you all the best and always keep in touch.

"Every sunset give us one day less to live, but Every Sunrise give us one more day to HOPE, So always HOPE for the BEST Pak Rudi"

Albert Simas and Leasing Team

Jul 27, 2010
Strong Leadership
by: Albert Simas

Truly, Madly, Deeply, we (leasing dept) would like to thank you for all of the great guidance that you've done in structuring this organization and your effort to make this mall become one stop shopping Mall in Medan and YOU are our superior, our HERO that always make us feel confidence to express, become the green light for us to move ahead, must try and dare to give the best performance in job and many more that far beyond words.

Least but not last, wish you all the best and always keep in touch.

"Every sunset give us one day less to live, but Every Sunrise give us one more day to HOPE, So always HOPE for the BEST Pak Rudi"

Albert Simas and Leasing Team

Jul 27, 2010
Good Luck
by: Sanna

Dear P'Rudi,

Just Simple Words From Me :
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened"

Thank You For All U Have Done For Us. Wish U Good Luck Wherever U 're.


Jul 27, 2010
Good Bye
by: Herna

Dear Pak Rudi,

Goodbyes are not forever.
Goodbyes are not the end.
They simply mean We'll miss you
Until we meet again!


Jul 27, 2010
Many Thanks...
by: Jane

Many Thanks for your assistance and direction.. Give a lot of good impact and improvement for making me a better character .. Really glad have opportunity to know you,Pak Rudi...
Good Luck and always keep in touch...

Jul 27, 2010
Best of Luck !
by: Palladium Mall

Dear Pak Rudy,

As u leave to take a new road
Here's wishing u success,opportunities and most of all.....
GOOD LUCK in all that u do !

God Bless

Jul 27, 2010
Goodbye n Good Luck!!
by: Florence

Dear Mr. Rudi

Now that u are leaving, things won't be the same again
You've been a great leader for us..
Working with u was a pleasure
Wish u achieve whatever u have to set out to do
All the very best for your new venture...
Many thanks for your guidance..
We'll miss u
Stay in touch

Best Regards,
Florence & Finance Dept.

Jul 29, 2010
by: Shenny

Dear : Mr.Rudijanto

May you always have work for your hands to do.
May your pockets hold always a coin or two.
May the sun shine bright on your windowpane.
May the rainbow be certain to follow each rain.
May the hand of a friend always be near you.
And may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.



Jul 30, 2010
by: Shenny Wong

Dear Mr. Rudijanto,

May you always have work for your hands to do.
May your pockets hold always a coin or two.
May the sun shine bright on your windowpane.
May the rainbow be certain to follow each rain.
May the hand of a friend always be near you.
And may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.



Jul 30, 2010
Farewell is not d end
by: Wendy

Dear Pak Rudi,

Don't be dismayed at goodbyes, a farewell is necessary before you can meet again and meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends.
God bless u n ur family.

Best regards,

Jul 30, 2010
See you soon!
by: Anonymous

All the best for you pak.
Kami percaya pak Rudi telah membuat banyak perubahan bagi team di Medan.
Good luck ya pak untuk ditempat baru. Kami percaya kita akan bertemu lagi, so.. See you soon :-)

Marshal n Ellyfang

Jul 30, 2010
Good Luck
by: Anonymous

Dear pak Rudi,

AE baru mulai kok udah pergi....
anyway.. Good luck di tempat baru ya...

Jul 30, 2010
tanggal bersejarah esp. for me - 30 Juli 2010
by: Dewi Samosir

Dear P'Rudi,

Wah...sptnya sy kasih comment telat ya pak..:)
Selama ini sih sy jarang bgt ngomong dgn P'Rudi, padahal sy sekretaris beliau...:)but honestly, i'm proud to be your secretary for 1,5 years in PMF.
Pak Rudi adalah sosok seorang bpk yang smart, kindly, patient, wise...Sy minta maaf kalau selama ini sy ada buat salah ya pak..terima kasih buanyaaak atas semuua pengajaran bpk terutama kpd sy.Sy byk belajar kpn harus sabar, kpn harus lebih tegas. Sukses selalu ya pak...segenap staff PMF pasti mendoakan bpk dan sekeluarga. Jangan lupakan kami ya pak...:)..he...he..he...
May God always pour out His mercy to you and family.

Dewi Samosir

Aug 24, 2010
by: RT

Dear All,
Thanks a lot for all your messages and comments, especially for your supports during my tenure at PMF. It's very memorable for me.
I wish you all the best. GBU.
Warm regards,

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