Sample Farewell Email Messages

It's your last day and you have one more final impression to make - the farewell email.

If you're not able to say goodbye individually to people you've interacted with at work, a mass email blast will show people that you did at least spare them one thought in your last moments at work!
Unlike in your Out-Of-Office auto-reply, which is the automatic reply email generated whenever your "old" email address gets a new message from someone.  Make sure you craft one of those too.

Scroll down for 6 different farewell emails to announce your goodbye to the whole office.  

Have you just read a colleagues goodbye email?  Not sure how to respond to let someone know that you appreciated their time at work too?  Check out some of these email responses that let people know they mattered in the time they were there.

Farewell Email Message 1

Subject: Goodbye to Me

To everyone that knows me,
It will be my last day at the company this Friday, and at 5:30pm I can be located on the (insert club) deck.
Thanks for the good times, it's been a gas.
Feel free to laugh at me for going to WhatsitsCompany, otherwise you can buy me a shandy.

Jane Whatshername

Farewell Email 2

Subject: Good Riddance to Jane Whatshername

Hello all,

Just a short one to say goodbye. I will be at the bar after work, if you want to come celebrate my escape.
Hope to see you all somewhere out there. My personal e-mail for us to keep in touch:


[LinkedIn profile]

Good-bye Email 3

Subject: Golden Journey Comes To An End

After a year of exciting and memorable stint with you, I am bidding adieu next week to this company to pursue other career opportunities.

As I move on, I would like to take a moment to remember and cherish our times together.

It’s been great interacting and knowing each one of you.  Thank you all for your support, patience, and friendship over the past year. You are a special group of people and I will definitely miss you.

I am looking forward to this new challenge and to start a new phase of my career.

This is not a goodbye, only “hasta luego” or “see you later”.

Thanks for everything.


Jane Whatshername

[LinkedIn profile]

And if they know you all too well:

Subject: You Won't See The Last Of Me!

Dear all,

I am leaving today to herd goats in Cyprus for my wealthy great-aunt. I wish to thank you for your support over the past X years. It was rewarding to achieve some of the targets with you, and to have known some of you personally (remember, what happens in the art department, stays in the art department).

I am now looking forward to the new challenges of close-quarter surveillance of the Billie-Gruff family, while moonlighting as a consultant in [industry/company].

If you are thinking of getting into the booming goat-herding industry (sorry [name of boss] to poach,) or wish to keep in touch, my contact details are [email/phone number].

I wish you all the best in your future.

Warmest regards,

Jane Whatshername

[LinkedIn profile]

Farewell Email 4

Subject: Thank You and Goodbye

Hi Everyone,

As most of you already know today is my last day with the company. Thank you all for helping me out & making my time here at WhatsitsCompany so much fun.
If you are ever down in WhatsitsPlace and feel like catching up, don't hesitate to drop me a line at: or at 041111111.

Take care & best wishes for the future,

Jane Whatshername

[LinkedIn profile]

Goodbye Message 5

Subject: Keep in Touch!

Hi all,

It is my last day after a wonderful 3 years with WhatsitsCompany. I would like to sincerely thank each of you for every experience shared, friendship made, opportunity offered and good times had during this time.

I have thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of being part of the exploration group and I wish you all the very best in the future.

If anyone wants to keep in contact, you can email me on (or on facebook).

Miss you all,

Love Jane Whatshername

Leaving Email 6

Hello All,

My final day is today.  Thank you for your company in my time here,  I have learnt a lot from the job and yourselves, and any credit I've been given is also due to the support and help I have received from you.

Jodie Whattaname will be taking over my role, I hope you give her the generous support you had kindly given me. I know the company will be fine without me as I was privileged to work with such a talented, dedicated group of people as yourselves. 

I wish all of you the best in future, 

Many thanks,

Jane Whatshername

email screen

Ideas for wasting time on your last day

Want to write something longer?

Then check out these goodbye letters.

What NOT to write? See these bitter and twisted fare-ill emails.

...And Some Email Responses...

Subject: Re: Leaving

On behalf of the crew at WhatsitsCompany I would like to say how sorry we are to hear of your departure.
Our loss is most certainly WhatsanotherCompany's gain.
While we have not had a lot to do with each other, whenever our paths have crossed your friendly disposition and smiling face has been a welcome addition to our day.
Thanks, and best of luck in your new career path.
Take Care
John Whatsisname

Subject: Re: Leaving

Hello Jane,
Just to say all the best at WhatsanotherCompany, and thank you for the friendship and the upbeat attitude (you will be missed around the place trust me), no doubt we will catch up, so take care.
John Whatsisname

Subject: Re: Leaving

Hello Jane,

Just wanted to wish you the best of luck in case I don't see personally today.  I have appreciated your efforts in helping me with certain projects over the years and know that the company is losing a focussed, talented worker.

Thank you, and good luck,

John Whatsisname

Subject: Re: Leaving

Hi Jane,

Thanks for everything, I hope our paths cross again.  It's been lovely to know you.


John Whatsisname

Clearing desk
Type farewell message
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